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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Home Learning Expectations

Year 5 Home Learning expectations


Weekly expectations:


  • A page in the CGP Maths book should be completed each week.  This should take no longer than 20 minutes.  This can be marked at home (answers at the back of the book) and returned into school on a Thursday so we can monitor their progress.
  • Children should complete 3 of the times tables activities from the options provided weekly.


  • There will be a grammar OR comprehension task set each week. Again, this should take no longer than 20 minutes.
  • Children should complete 3 of the spelling activities from the options provided weekly.


Humanities: There will be a half termly topic task set-this will be a multiple choice and children should spend at least 20 minutes per week on the project.  This should be reflected in the final presentation.

Science: Task set each term linked to our learning.

RE: Task set each half term linked to our school value.
