On this page you will find all the information you need to apply for a place at St. Michael’s C of E VA Primary School.
Admissions Criteria
When there are more applications than places available, the Governors will allocate those places in accordance with the priority of the admissions criteria numbered below. Should there be fewer applications than places available, all applicants will be offered a place. Please note the order of receipt of application is not taken into consideration.
“Looked after” children and all previously looked after children, including those who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
Children with a sibling in the school at the time of entry to the school, or with a sibling who has
previously attended the school providing they still live within the designated area – see description of designated area on page 6 of our policy.
3. Children of permanent qualified teachers who have been employed for a minimum of two years at the time of application, who are the biological or adoptive parent, who have other legal responsibility for that child, or who have been cohabiting with the parent of the child throughout the two year qualifying period. Also, where the permanent teacher is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. In both examples, for In Year admission, the PAN would not be exceeded.
4. Children whose home address is within the area of countryside which is bounded to the north by Punch Bowl Lane and to the south by Hemel Hempstead Road (See the shaded area on that part of Map A attached.)
5. Children who at the time of application have their home address in the designated area (listed on page 6). In the event of over-subscription in this category, the following priority order will be applied:
5(a) Children whose parents/carers worship regularly at St Michael’s Church, or the daughter Church of St Mary, Childwick Green, and whose application is accompanied by the school’s SIF, signed by the parish priest verifying the required level of attendance. (See Notes to Admissions Criteria below).
5(b) Children whose parents/carers worship regularly at another Christian Church and whose application is accompanied by the school’s SIF, signed by the minister verifying the required level of attendance.
5(c) Children whose home address is closest to Top School, St Michael’s Street, St Albans, Herts AL3 4SJ using the straight line distance measurement provided by HCC’s GIS system.
6. Children whose home address is not in the designated area within the Parish but whose parents/carers worship regularly at St Michael’s Church or the daughter Church of St Mary, Childwick Green and whose application is accompanied by the school’s SIF signed by the parish priest verifying the required level of attendance. (See Notes to Admissions Criteria below).
7. Children of parents/carers who worship regularly at any other Christian Church, and whose application is accompanied by the school’s SIF signed by the minister verifying the required level of attendance. (See Notes to Admissions Criteria below).
8. All other children.
Please note that children are expected to attend church with their parents/carers when applying under sections 5a, 5b, 6 and 7.
How to apply for a Reception place
From September 2010 all parents of nursery age children will be sent information from Children Schools & Families (CSF) on how to apply for a Reception place. For applications being made under Criteria 2, 5a, 5b, 6 and 7 as well as completing and returning your Common Application Form to CSF we would ask that you take the time to fully complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and send this into the school by the due date. A pdf link is provided above. If you do not attend Church but you are applying under Criteria 2, ie your child has an older sibling already in the school, please complete Section 1 of our SIF. If you do attend Church but have no other children currently in the school, please complete Section 2 of our SIF. Please note – if you do not go to Church you are still very welcome to come to St Michael’s. We strongly advise that you read our Admissions Policy in full before completing the forms. The closing date for Reception admissions is 15 January. We hope the above information is helpful to you.
In-year (casual) Admissions
For in-year admissions please follow the County address below for information on the new process: The school office will be using the new in-year application forms for all enquiries during the summer holidays. School office: tel: 01727 854866 Email:
Historical Admissions Information
Click on the table below to see historical admissions information.