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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Forest School

Forest School Vision


At St Michael’s Primary School, we have chosen to give every pupil the opportunity to experience learning in our Forest School, in order to help us meet our school vision of ‘Life in all its fullness’ both now and in preparation for future life.

As well as providing a nurturing, positive outdoor learning experience which supports our children’s wellbeing, the Forest School activities helps us to deliver our four curriculum drivers (CDs):


CD1 – People skills (communication and confidence) – in the forest, the children learn to communicate successfully with each other and develop confidence from their achievements

CD2 – Learning skills (aspiration and attitude) – the forest provides the ideal opportunity for children to try new things, to use their initiative to solve problems, to develop independence and resilience and to co-operate with each other

CD3 – Creativity (culture and enrichment) – the forest school experience enriches our children’s lives, giving them a positive outdoor learning experience which they might not have access to otherwise

CD4 – Exploration (discovery and adventure) – the children have a chance to explore, play, and learn how to handle risk while they connect with, and learn about, the natural environment


Implementation of the Forest School Vision


All pupils in Yr1- Yr5 experience Forest School activities for two 6-week blocks per year. The Reception children attend the forest weekly with the Forest School Leader and Yr6 participate in one 6- week block and PGL in the summer term. 

As well as helping us to deliver our curriculum drivers, we have developed a clear programme of study which teaches skills progressively as children go through the school, as part of the Design Technology ‘Structures’ unit in Key Stages 1 and 2. Pupils work on their designs in the classroom then carry out the practical tasks in the forest.

Additional forest school activities might include:


Shelter building

Fire lighting and cooking on an open fire

Using a Kelly Kettle

Tool use

Studying wildlife

Playing team and group games

Sensory activities

Rope and string work, tying knots

Art and sculpture work

Woodland and traditional craft

Woodland management

Developing stories and drama, and meeting imaginary characters


Autumn Term

Still image for this video
This term we have created Bug Hotels, teepee's, bridges and windmills.

We have enjoyed cooking in the woods.
