Specialist Advice Lines
Specialist advice lines
Neurodiversity Hub
01727 833963
Opening times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am - 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday evenings 7pm - 9pm (by appt)
(closed bank holidays)
email: supporthub@add-vance.org
Early years (0 - 5)
01442 453 920 every Wednesday (term time only) 9am - 12pm and Thurs 1.30pm - 4pm
Physical and neurological impairment team (PNI)
01442 453 920 every Monday (term time only), 1.30pm - 4pm
Education Support for Medical Absence (ESMA)
01442 454 802 (school hours, term time only)
Children and young people's therapy services
(Advice from occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists)
01923 470680 – select Option 3 for the therapy service. Callers then choose to use the service Advice Line (select 1) or to speak to an administrator (select 2).
Or email hct.cyptherapies1@nhs.net.