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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Year 6

Class Email

(for home learning communication only)


Year 6 Team


Miss Rigby - Class Teacher

Miss Reay and Miss Hornigold - Teaching Assistants

Home Learning


Year 6 Expectations

ReadingFour times/week 
SpellingA selection of spellings will be given to practise 3 times/week.                                          Children should  use strategies used in class to rehearse the spellings. 

One grammar task / week  

One reading task / week 


One maths task/week 

Multiplication tables practice three times/week using suggested activities

RETwo activities per term focusing on the Christian values
ScienceOne activity per term 



Two activities per term 


Children will be provided with a homework folder containing their homework books (reading, grammar and maths) and a timetable stating the days their homework needs to be handed in. Please ensure the folder is kept in your child’s bag and homework is returned on the designated day (see timetable). Before handing it in, children will be expected to mark their homework, using a different colour pen.


RE, Science and Geography/History home learning will be set on Google Classroom (please see link below). These home learning tasks can be submitted through the platform, sent to the class email address or handed into the class teacher.


Poetry Week - Palindromes and MORERAPS
