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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Year 3

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Year 3 Team

Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Cullinane - Class Teachers 

Miss Kirkman - Teaching Assistant



As part of poetry week we learnt about kennings and then wrote our own. 

In a kenning poem, each line is made up of two words joined using a hyphen usually and noun and verb or an adjective and a noun. The poems themselves often take the form of a riddle, so that the reader has to guess what is being described. 

Can you guess what or who is being described in our kennings? 

Some of Year 3's kennings

What a great start to Autumn term we have had, the children have settled in to Year 3 so well.

We hope to see lots of you at our Year 3 Meet the teachers meeting next Wednesday 11th September. For those of you who cannot make it we will be uploading the Powerpoint used in this meeting to the class page afterwards. 

Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Cullinane

Exploring 2-D shapes in maths

Chinese New Year activities - learning how to use chopsticks

Stone Age workshop 

Year 3 travelled back to the Stone Age to learn more about how people lived during the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. Our helpful visitor showed us artefacts such as a hand axe and taught us more about the hunter gatherer lifestyle. We even had a chance to practise our mammoth hunting skills, Ms Reay was a natural at spear throwing! 

This half term we have been learning about seasonal food in D.T. and cooking a variety of different recipes as part of Forest School. 

We have also made tropical fruit kebabs with non native fruits such as lychees, watermelon and bananas. 

D.T. Tropical fruit kebab making

The children have worked hard this half term and settled in really well to Year 3.

Please find below the Year 3 Autumn newsletter and  topic map. 

Mrs O' Connor and Mrs Thomas  

Ancient Egyptian Art

In art lessons we explored ancient egyptian art experimenting with symbols and colours used in their distinctive style. We learnt about how papyrus scrolls were made and created our own papyrus style paper before painting our final designs.  

Ancient Egyptian style Art work

Forest school

This term in forest school we designed and created bird houses. We used a variety of tools to assemble the wooden bird houses. The finished products will be put up on school grounds ready for the local wildlife to use. 

Wooden bird houses

Kew Gardens Trip 

Year 3 had a wonderful trip to Kew Gardens this term despite the very cold weather. We took part in a workshop led by Kew scientists about plant classification and found out how plants are grouped according to their characteristics. We also discovered what it would have been like to have been a 20th century plant hunter and what equipment they would have used.   
