Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
We hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are looking forward to coming back to school.
We can't wait to see you all again and are very excited about the year ahead. Mrs Crooks and I are busy planning lots of exciting lessons and extra curricular activities. We are sure you will love playing the tenor horn and are looking forward to our residential in the spring term. I personally can't wait to start teaching you our first Science topic which is Earth and Space.
Myself, Mrs Crooks and Miss Voyce are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday ready to begin your Upper Key Stage 2 journey.
Mrs Alcoe
Year 5 Team 2024/2025
Class teachers: Mrs Alcoe (Mon, Tues am, Wed, Thurs, Fri am)
Mrs Crooks (Tue pm & Friday pm)
Teaching assistant: Miss Voyce
Class email
(for home learning communication only)
Please refer to Google Classroom for Home Learning.
Newsletter and Curriculum Map
'A Christmas Carol' by Ovo at the Roman Theatre
'When the Saints go Marching In' being played beautifully today
Poetry Week-War poetry written in cinquains
Science-Moon Phases represented by Oreo biscuits
Tenor Horn lesson 1
We had our first tenor horn lesson today with Mr Sanderson.
We managed to play our first notes on the instrument! A very exciting afternoon!
Year 5 Meet the teacher Sept 2024
It was lovely to see so many this afternoon at 'Meet the Teacher.' We are aware that there are some people unable to attend and therefore please find attached the ppt we presented.
Mrs Alcoe & Mrs Crooks