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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Our Vision for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At St Michael’s Primary School, we want everyone to feel that they belong and are respected and valued for who they are. Through effective teaching and learning, support and encouragement and working closely with parents and carers we have high expectations and aspirations for all pupils. We work together to remove barriers to enable all children to feel that they are a part of the whole school community, where everyone is able to make a contribution. Our aim is for all children to grow up to be respectful, caring, adults who participate and contribute to their community, economically, socially and culturally.

‘The headteacher and deputy headteacher have established high expectations for the achievement of all pupils, including the disadvantaged and those with SEND. Central to their work is ensuring a culture of wellbeing and safety for all in the school and this enables pupils, particularly the disadvantaged and those with SEND to be ready and keen to learn. This culture is having a highly positive impact on all aspects of the school's work.'

(Herts Improvement Partner report - disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, July 2021)

Supporting children with SEND  

The links below will direct you to pages on the website which are being updated regulary with support and advice for parents of children with SEND.

Further information
