Lunches and Milk
Please read the above documents which explain the difference between Universal Free School Meals which are available for all children from Reception to Year 2 and the Free School Meal scheme.
At lunchtime, you may arrange for your child to have a school dinner (either a hot meal or a packed lunch) or bring a packed lunch from home.
School Meals (Our menu is available to view by following the link above).
Aspens provide our school meals in line with current Government guidelines. School meals are a good opportunity for the children to develop their social skills and can play a major part in broadening children's attitudes to what foods they will and will not eat! For all these reasons, we like as many children as possible to use the school meals service.
As we do not have the facilities to make meals at St Michael's they are provided and brought into school each day by Aspens.
Parents need to order their child's school meal directly via the Aspen's website Each child will have their own unique booking number which should be used when making orders. Please contact the school office if you have misplaced your child's number.
School meals are free for children in Key Stage 1, ie Reception, Years 1 and 2. To ensure that every child is registered for this free meal, parents of these children are asked to register online at Please see information document above, 'UIFSM - Reception to Year 2'
For children in Key Stage 2 the price is £2.90 per day. Your KS2 child may still be eligible for free school meals if parents satisfy the qualifying benefit criteria. Please see information document above, 'Year 3 and above'.
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, Aspens can provide specially prepared meals to recognise the requirement. Please ensure that you complete the special dietary requirement form above and return this to the school office who will pass it on to Aspens. Parents should then continue to order their child's meals from the main menu (see above). Once your order has been placed, Aspens will then cross-check your child's name against the register of special dietary requirements and ensure that their specially-prepared meal is sent to the school.
Packed Lunches
In order to promote a healthy lifestyle we ask that parents avoid sweets and fizzy drinks when sending packed lunches into school. Many children bring carrot sticks and pieces of fruit or raisins as healthy extras in their lunch boxes. Nuts and nut products are not allowed in school because of the number of pupils with serious food allergies. Please also ensure that any grapes, cherry tomatoes are cut in half to avoid potential choking hazards.
Milk in School
Free milk is available for all children under the age of five in school, funded by the UK government.
In our school, this milk is provided by Cool Milk, the UK’s leading school milk supplier.
We will register your child for their free school milk on your behalf by providing Cool Milk with your child’s name and date of birth.
When your child turns five, you are able to pay a subsidised rate for your child to continue to receive milk. If you wish for your child to continue receiving milk from the age of five, simply register with Cool Milk directly via their website ( or pick up a registration form from the school office. They will then contact you at the appropriate time to arrange pre-payment.
All information handled by Cool Milk is processed in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The data will be stored securely on Cool Milk’s UK-based servers and will not be passed to third parties other than to UK Government departments for audit purposes.
Please email the school office if you would prefer us not to register your child for free school milk.