Welcome to St Michael's C of E VA Primary School
St Michael’s is a school that people seem to love as soon as they visit. There is a very strong sense of community where everyone feels valued and included. From 2017-2019 we underwent an expansion project which enabled us to become a ‘one form entry’ school. As the school grows, our aim is to keep the small village school atmosphere while continuing to provide a high quality education which prepares children for life beyond primary school.
The school is housed across two buildings, Top School and Lower School. Reception and Year 1 classrooms are at Lower School and Years 2 – 6 classrooms are at Top School. We take every opportunity to bring the whole school together for events such as assemblies, celebrations, sports events, charity events and themed weeks. Children at Lower School have a buddy in Year 6 to welcome them whenever they come to the Top School site.
The school was established in 1876 as a Church of England School. We now take children of all faiths and none. Our Collective Worship is mostly Christian but we teach all religions as part of our RE curriculum. We teach respect for people of all views.
St Michael's Vision for the Curriculum
Whilst all schools follow the National Curriculum, which provides the content for teaching, we believe that primary school children also need key skills and experiences that will remain with them for life and indeed help them to be better learners.
The St Michael’s curriculum tree is a visual representation of the enrichment we provide at the school. The tree has its roots firmly embedded in a sense of belonging – to our family, to our school, to our church, to our community. We believe that it is essential that children feel safe and cared for in school. Then, with the right nourishment they can flourish and will be able to experience,
‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
After consultation with children, parents, staff and governors we established 4 key curriculum drivers:
People skills – confidence and communication
‘Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.’ (Hebrews 10:22)
Story - The 5 loaves and 2 fishes
Linked song: ‘It’s good to be me, it’s good to know you.’
Linked Christian value: Friendship
Learning skills – attitude and aspiration
‘Jesus grew and became strong; he was full of wisdom, and God’s blessings were upon him.’ (Luke 2:40)
Story - The Wise and Foolish Builders
Linked song: ‘The wise man built his house upon the rock.’
Linked Christian value: Wisdom
Creativity – culture and enrichment
‘Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.’ (Philippians 4:8)
Story - Creation Stories and Psalms
Linked song: ‘Everywhere around me, I can see the hand of God’
Linked Christian value: Perseverance
Exploration – discovery and adventure
‘Shine among them like stars lighting up the sky.’ (Philippians 2:15)
Story - The Good Samaritan
Linked song: ‘Shine, Jesus Shine.’
Linked Christian value: Respect
Please look at our curriculum pages to see more details.
I hope you enjoy looking at our website. If you are considering choosing St Michael’s as the school for your child, please visit our ‘Admissions’ page for further information and to arrange a visit to our school. No matter how hard I try to put it into words, you will only gain a true picture of all that makes St Michael’s such a special place when you come to visit us and meet everyone.
I look forward to welcoming you to St Michael’s soon.
Alison Rafferty