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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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(for home learning communication only)

Our Classroom

To see our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum click the link below

External view points:


'The visit to the reception class confirmed that children are happy, settled and confident. Relationships are highly positive and appropriately nurturing.'

(Hertfordshire Improvement Partner report, February 22)


'Both Reception class and forest school had engaged focused children, a range of activities across the curriculum, involved staff and accessible resources. High quality teaching and learning seen in both.'

(Paul Wiggins – Governor and ex headteacher and advisor - April 2022)



Reception Team

Mrs Claridge - Class Teacher

Mrs Stone - Class Teacher

Miss Adamson - Teaching Assistant

Miss Watts - Teaching Assistant


Home Learning

Dear Parents, 

Please use your Tapestry logins to access the children's Home Learning.
