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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Our Classroom

To see our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum click the link below

External view points:


'The visit to the reception class confirmed that children are happy, settled and confident. Relationships are highly positive and appropriately nurturing.'

(Hertfordshire Improvement Partner report, February 22)


'Both Reception class and forest school had engaged focused children, a range of activities across the curriculum, involved staff and accessible resources. High quality teaching and learning seen in both.'

(Paul Wiggins – Governor and ex headteacher and advisor - April 2022)



Play and Stay

In July Reception Class had a wonderful chance to meet and play together in the classroom and the forest.  We enjoyed making habitats and painting butterflies.

Play and Stay

St Albans Cathedral class trip

During our trip to St Albans Cathedral we explored our 5 senses.

We used our sense of smell candles and herb.

We used our sense of touch feel special clothing and the beautiful floor tiles.

We used our sense of listen to the organ, choir and bells.

We used our sense of taste ... to enjoy our lunch.

Finally we made our own tiles.

Heritage Week - The Romans

We have been learning about archaeologists who have taught us about our past.

We carried out our own archaeological dig finding coins, slate tools, pots and tiles.


We visited the museum to see real floor mosaics and then made our own.

We have been drawing our sunflower and harvesting the seeds for the spring

Number Day...

Today we have been using our estimating skills.  We have been exploring the size of the giants foot, playing in the sand, parking cars etc.

Outdoor painting

Today we had fun in the forest.  We played with our friends and collected materials and objects from the forest to make painting tools.  We explored the patterns the objects made and created our own abstract art.

Junk Modelling

In Expressive Art and Design we have been exploring different ways of joining material. 

We then designed and built our own rocket ships using junk modelling resources.

Junk Modelling


In Expressive Art and Design we have been collecting interesting objects from the paddock and then made 'Tree Spirits' on the trees.

Class Trip - Rye Mead Marshes

During our school trip to the marshes we discovered new birds and went pond dipping.

Reception Team

Mrs Claridge - Class Teacher

Mrs Stone - Class Teacher

Miss Adamson - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Firby - Teaching Assistant


Home Learning

Dear Parents, 

Please use your Tapestry logins to access the children's Home Learning.
