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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Year 1

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Welcome to Year 1!


On behalf of the Year 1 team, I would like to warmly welcome you all to the summer term. We have a very exciting term ahead of us with lots of fun learning activities to do. In science we will be studying plants and the seasonal changes throughout the year. Humanities see us see us learning  about both the geography and history of the local area. As the weather improves, we look forward to going to the paddock to participate in our outdoor learning. 
We look forward to seeing you at events such as our Maypole Dancing event and Sports Day.
Mrs Tarelli  

Year 1 2023/24

Making healthy drinks and snacks during Healthy Living Week 2024

We made 3D sculptures in Art.

Investigating plants at Hudnall Park

'Tremendous Toys' workshop at St Albans Museum

Autumn observational drawings
