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St Michael's C of E VA Primary School

‘Life in all its Fullness’

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Year 1

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Welcome to Year 1!


On behalf of the Year 1 team, I would like to warmly welcome you all to Year 1. We have a very exciting term ahead of us with lots of fun learning activities to do. In science we will be studying seasonal changes and everyday materials. Humanities will see us investigating what it takes to be a great explorer and why penguins cant fly. Closer to Christmas we will be visiting St Albans Cathedral to take part in a festive trail and not forgetting that all important Nativity performance to bring a busy term to an end. 
Mrs Tarelli

Class Teacher: Mrs L Tarelli

Teaching Assistants: Mrs S Firby and Mrs D Nichols

Year 1 2024/25

Poetry Week 2024

During Poetry Week we looked at different shape poems and wrote our own about Autumn leaves.
