Eco Council

Pupils at St Michael’s Primary School in St Albans have earned an international accreditation, recognizing their amazing work in making their school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow pupils.
Pupils formed an Eco-Committee then conducted an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly their school is. Building on their findings they planned a year of action designed to advance St Michael’s School’s green credentials, improve their local environment, and protect our planet.
The Eco-Committee connected their work to 3 Eco-Schools topics: Waste Aware, Cut Your Carbon, School Grounds Improvement.
They then planned a variety of projects including whole school focus weeks to raise awareness of how to reduce waste and how to reduce carbon emissions. They also improved the school grounds by developing the school garden, including insect friendly habitats, making bird feeders in Forest School, and growing bee friendly plants and herbs.
On completion of the projects the school was awarded a distinction! The written feedback said, ‘It’s clear that as a school you are embedding an environmental education into all areas of your curriculum with great enthusiasm and that this is being used to enrich learning in your school whilst also engaging young people in important issues. Your submission was innovative, impactful and inspirational!’
Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: ‘The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognized symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all.’
Our Eco Council End of Year Presentation
Information from Sustainable St Albans

The Eco-council are working hard to supply every member of staff with a scrap paper note pad
Eco-council Newsletter Spring term 2023
Isabel in Year 2 has been awarded a Blue Peter Eco badge.
Isabel contacted the BBC television show to tell them all about the work she does on the St Michael's school Eco-council. She also explained about her own sustainability projects at home: recycling, saying no to single use plastics and litter picking. She sent them a picture that she made with sand and told them about her efforts to encourage her family to walk and cycle rather than use the car.
Isabel also shared some eco cooking tips and suggested that young chefs are featured on the show and teach the viewers how to cook from scratch and reduce waste.
We are all so proud of Isabel's achievements. She is an eco inspiration!

Year 6 wrote a song about climate change
Our 2022-2023 Class Eco Pledges
The Eco Council meet to discuss ways of keeping St Michael's 'green' and helping the environment.
The Eco Committee for 2023-24 are:
Year 6 reps | Maddie | Loukas |
Year 5 reps | Jess | Harris |
Year 4 reps | Isla | Alistair |
Year 3 reps | Joe | Annabel |
Year 2 reps | Joshua | Rafferty |
Year 1 reps | Max | Emilia |
Reception reps | Nina | Tamara |
The Eco Council are currently working towards The Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
We will post further updates as we progress through the award.
Please find below the PowerPoint slides from the St Michael's Approach To ... (SMAT) meeting held on Tuesday 1st February. Thank you to all those who attended.