Early Years Foundation Stage
The St Michael’s Early Years Curriculum has been designed to meet our school vision of Life in all its Fullness and to provide our children with the experiences and opportunities that will enable them to succeed, and indeed to flourish, and be ready to access their next stage in their educational journey.
Our curriculum meets the requirements of all seven areas of the Foundation Stage curriculum, while specifically meeting the needs of our children as portrayed in the St Michael’s Curriculum Tree.
We believe that it is vital that children feel safe and cared for (see the roots of the St Michael’s Curriculum Tree). We provide a nurturing, positive school environment, which supports our children’s wellbeing, both emotional and physical.
Our Reception Classroom

Our Foundation Stage curriculum is designed around our four school curriculum drivers (CDs):
CD1 – People skills (communication and confidence) –the children learn to communicate successfully with each other and develop confidence from their achievements (Progression of skills: School Values, Zones of Regulation)
CD2 – Learning skills (aspiration and attitude) – the children are encouraged to try new things, to use their initiative to solve problems, to develop independence and resilience and to co-operate with each other (Progression of skills: ‘Secrets of Successful learning’)
CD3 – Creativity (culture and enrichment) – we provide a range of experiences which enrich our children’s lives, giving them opportunities to be creative and to develop their own interests (Progression of skills: ‘I can tell a story’, ‘Maypole Dancing’)
CD4 – Exploration (discovery and adventure) – the children have a chance to explore and play, both in their classroom, in our Forest School and in the school paddock and have many opportunities to learn about the world around them (Progression of skills: ‘Bugs, Bugs, Bugs’, ‘Exceptional Explorers’, ‘Looking after our environment’, ‘Talented Mover’)
The St Michael’s Curriculum covers all seven areas of learning. We consider the interests and needs of the cohort each year and provide a context which will engage the children in activities that interest them whilst also introducing them to new concepts and ideas. Our curriculum is designed to build on the children’s skills progressively so that they are able to meet the end of year expectations - Early Learning Goals (ELG).
The following aspects of our curriculum are delivered through systematic schemes of work that we use across the whole school:
Click on the link below to see what we have been learning in Reception this year.